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Horoscopes for September and October 2012

September 3rd, 2012




As the leaves turn color and the autumn chill creeps under the blankets, Saturn moves into the sign of Scorpio and will journey there for three years. Raw Scorpion energy is about power: creating power, using power, loosing power, and recreating power again. It’s a time for all of us to flow with the cycles of loss and gain; keep in mind that both loss and gain are only temporary states. We will crave intensity in our exchanges with others now. Passions are high, yet controlled. With a little will power, we can accomplish a tremendous amount. Be selective about who you team up with, but know that there is more power within the team. In the words of Rudyard Kipling, “the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack”.





This is a time of increased independence and personal power, Aries. Over the next two-year period you will be tested to stand your ground. Resources that you may have been accustomed to, such as those from a spouse, a business partnership, or perhaps inheritances, might be restricted in someway. (It’s imperative that you stay on top of any debts you may have, and stick to your payments plans now!) Ultimately, this transit is encouraging you to go through a self-realization process so that you can stand on your own two feet. It’s all about your independence. Your sense of self-worth will increase substantially (imagine coal turning to diamonds) as you embrace who you are. Don’t be surprised if others try to impose their will upon you (you will attract power play situations). Be gracious without compromising your beliefs.

Lucky days:

September 2, 3, 29, 30

October 26, 27

Challenging days:

September 16, 17

October 14, 15





You are evolving and raising your standards, Taurus. You’ve been working very hard over the last few years and you’re now heading into a time of début. You can expect to get some recognition for past efforts. Others (bosses, coworkers, colleagues) are taking note of your progress. (It feels good to be appreciated doesn’t it?) You’re also getting more in touch with your own personal power. You will feel stronger and more convicted about your goals and beliefs. You might also change the status of a major relationship now. As long as your needs are being taken into consideration, relationships can blossom and be deeply gratifying. You’re discovering what your needs truly are within the context of a major relationship, as well as what you can truly deliver. Joint projects and common goals with partners can payoff big time if you’re patient. Time to get to work baby!

Lucky days:

September 4, 5

October 1, 2, 3, 29, 30

Challenging days:

September 18, 19, 20

October 16, 17





It’s time to push up your sleeves, Gemini! You are going to be making some serious headway over the next few years. This is the time to perfect the craft or service that you do so well. You will be working harder than you have in a while, but you’re sure to see some major ROI’s now. In the meantime, keep your nose to the grindstone. This is wonderful time to show others that you can be a team player. All forms of work and creativity will be highly productive. You can produce some of the best work you ever have. This will be a key time for your health as well; if you’ve been ignoring anything (physical or emotional) it’s crucial that you address those issues now. Some of you might experience a rebirth related to healing, as well as better lifestyle choices. Structure and routine will help you achieve in both your work and health oriented goals.

Lucky days:

September 6, 7, 8

October 4, 5, 31

Challenging days:

September 21, 22

October 18, 19





This is a key time to carefully redefine who you are, and how you want to express yourself, Cancer. It’s important to surround yourself with people who allow these new sides of yourself to emerge. You might feel more critical of yourself and your life achievements now; interestingly this is actually a time where you will probably achieve a fair amount! Artists, athletes, parents, business owners, and entrepreneurs can be highly productive. If you’re not pleased with what you’ve produced – wait a few days. (Your moody impulse might be to chuck a painting, or scrap an idea — don’t make snap judgments!) You will also appreciate the contributions made by others, making this an excellent time to invest in areas such as art, restaurants, music, and all forms of entertainment.

Lucky days:

September 9, 10

October 6, 7, 8

Challenging days:

September 23, 24

October 20, 21




Changes to the home front are in the mix over the next few years, Leo. All aspects of your nest will be affected in someway. This can imply that a residential move, renovations, or redecorating are in the works. Conversely, it can also mean there is shift within the dynamics of the home as well. Your family might expand through birth or marriage, someone might move into your home, or perhaps someone moves out of your home. You might even get a pet! Ultimately, your lifestyle is undergoing a number of changes to better suite and support your needs. Family will require attention, be that the family you came from, or the family you’ve created. You have a generous nature and you will want to lavish loved ones; don’t forget that you might need a little lavishing and pampering too!

Lucky days:

September 11, 12, 13

October 9, 10

Challenging days:

September 25, 26

October 22, 23




You are entering an interesting phase, Virgo. Your powers of concentration and your ability to gather and retain information will be extraordinary now! This is an excellent time to attend school or training as your urge to learn and figuring things out will be amplified over the next few years. You might also find yourself in a role of teaching, communicating, or connecting with others; and as such, your status or title may change. This is an excellent time to review or assess situations and use your innate Virgo-ian logic to reach the best decisions. Use this methodology to better understand yourself and your current goals. Given that you recently went through a period of greater self-awareness, you now have the tools to re-write your own scripts. You’re smarter than most – don’t ever forget that!

Lucky days:

September 14, 15

October 11, 12

Challenging days:

September 1, 27, 28

October 24, 25, 26





You may have felt restricted recently, Libra. You may even have felt like rebelling in the last few years, but you got through it – good. Now you have a better idea of what you really need out of life and how to go about getting just that. Over the next few years you will actualize what it is that you truly value in life (big stuff, I know!). Take some clues from what makes you feel rewarded. Perhaps you need to produce something, spend time with loved ones, or have a solid roof over your head; whatever it is, be prepared to face some material changes in order to actualize what is important to you. Your finances might be tied up (in a house, or education fees) for the next year, however you’re likely to be making more money in two years, so it’s worth it!

Lucky days:

September 16, 17

October 13, 14

Challenging days:

September 2, 3, 29, 30

October 1, 27, 28





This is a time to achieve and sustain a state of inner strength, Scorpio. You’ve been letting go of things (like relationships, or vocations) these past few years. Ultimately you’ve been letting go of limiting belief systems and attitudes that have no longer been serving you. Now, you are becoming more present and aware in all your connections and endeavors. Give some thought to activities you can do that will help you process; such as exercise, mediation, artistic expression, and heart-to-heart talks with others. You are going to accomplish a tremendous amount over the next few years (that’s awesome!). Remain aware that in order to make your dreams a reality it will require your sincere efforts to really make lasting changes.

Lucky days:

September 18, 19

October 15, 16

Challenging days:

September 4, 5, 6

October 2, 3, 29, 30, 31




Change is afoot, dear Sagittarius. The adventurous truth seeker within you can expect to find some new discoveries over the next few years. Firstly however, you need to deal with limiting situations thoroughly before you can move past them all together (easier said than done, I know). You’re preparing for a new cycle of growth, but first the decks must be cleaned. You might have to say goodbye to certain relationships, vocations, a place or home, or perhaps an idea or vision. Be gentle with yourself as you let go of dreams or aspirations that you held onto for years. Take heart knowing that you are rekindling your spirit with new dreams and goals that are grander than you can possibly imagine just now.

Lucky days:

September 20, 21

October 17, 18

Challenging days:

September 7, 8, 9

October 4, 5, 6




You have made considerable advancements in your career in the last few years, Capricorn. Excellent! You have a solid sense of what your responsibilities are and the direction you need to take things. You most likely have a greater sphere influence now and possibly people who look up to you. (Be patient with others, they may not have the same ambition as you do.) Over the next few years it’s imperative you become a team player instead of going it alone. Responsibilities from a team or organization will be on your table in the coming year. Don’t shrink from this, rather; take it on and run with it! You’ll reap the rewards later. Certain resources have recently been made available. Capitalize on this to further a pet project.

Lucky days:

September 22, 23

October 19, 20

 Challenging days:

September 10, 11

October 7, 8





This is a hot time for you, Aquarius! Others are looking to you to take the lead. Know that you can do this (trust me, they wont see you sweat). Seeds that you planted as far back as fifteen years ago are bearing fruit. Your hard work and efforts are paying off in a big way. Enjoy this time and like any good gardener, continue to cultivate and nurture your projects. You may experience increased responsibility over the next two years. You will be a key player within a company dynamic. You can easily get a promotion or a new professional role at this time. Some Aquarians will be motivated to initiate political changes now too. This is an excellent time to promote a vision or project you believe in.

Lucky days:

September 24, 25

October 21, 22, 23

Challenging days:

September 12, 13

October 9, 10, 11




This is an important time of preparation, Pisces. You recently came out of a deeply personal transit where you might have even removed yourself from others. The pendulum is now swinging the other way as you get ready for a major career peak that accumulates in approximately two years from now. This is a ripe time to get any training you might need to help you achieve your career goals. You know that you are worth it! In the meantime, you’ll feel refreshed being with others of likeminded interests. You might also find yourself traveling in pursuit of education or spiritual discovery. In general, you’ll be feeling that you deserve more from life, so you’re manifesting what you desire.

Lucky days:

September 26, 27, 28

October 24, 25

Challenging days:

September 14, 15

October 12, 13


To book a personal reading with Kelly, contact her at: kelly@kellybenson.ca





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