
Archive for June, 2014

Summertime, and the living is easy…

June 28th, 2014 Comments off


Listen to Ella sing Summertime

Listen to Ella sing Summertime

All Signs: 
There’s a lot of activity in the astrological heavens this summer. The Sun moves from Cancer to Leo (Happy Birthday!), Mercury goes direct (phew), Mars moves from Libra to Scorpio (after almost 8 months) and lucky, generous Jupiter moves into Leo. Let’s just say the tides are changing in a big way for us mere mortals. Feeling itchy for some fun? It’s right around the corner! Creative impulses take over, encouraging us to play and find constructive outlets for our talents. We feel the need for affection and recognition. Our desire to be admired and appreciated can push us to great lengths making us more ambitious and courageous. Acts of kindness and generosity in the spirit of sharing will enhance our days the warm our hearts. Not to mention, romance is in the air!

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
It’s a powerful time for transformation and change for you, Aries. A number of astrological shifts are occurring this summer that support you to really express yourself (hallelujah!).  Opportunities for personal development arise throughout this next year. You have the courage to be yourself, tackling issues with the fiery optimism. Emotionally intimate relationships may experience a deep healing or rebirth and your newfound openness is instrumental in bringing this about. All forms of creativity and play are blessed. You’re inspired and you want to share that with others. As well, areas related to artistic expression can flourish! Those that make their living via the arts might experience an increase in their earnings. Time spent with children will be uplifting and enjoyable. Your family might expand now through birth, marriage or adoption. (It’s also a highly fertile time!)

Lucky days:
July 16, 17, 18
Aug 13, 14, 15

Challenging days:
July 4, 5, 6
Aug 1, 2, 28, 29

TAURUS  (April 20-May 20)

The desire to lay down roots, commit to a project, or take a clear stance in a relationship is a major focus now, Taurus. Your value systems have been tested recently and you have so much more clarity about your real needs and your true wants. A profound transformation is taking place beneath the surface. It’s a wonderful time for deep healing since emotional connections are blessed now. You will find it easier to repair bonds and fortify ties with romantic relationships and friends. Time spent with family members can be enriching and nurturing too. If you need to extend an olive branch this is the time! On a lighter note, get ready to do some renovating and redecorating on the homefront. It’s time to create a better living environment for yourself. (Those in the real estate market can do well.)

Lucky days:
July 19, 20, 21
Aug 15, 16, 17

Challenging days:
July 7, 8
Aug 3, 4, 30, 31

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Get ready for an exciting and interesting summer, Gemini! Jupiter, the planet of luck is moving through your third house making you more curious about life, the universe and everything in it. (Can you handle this? You’re already the most mentally adroit sign!) Picking up new skill sets or ways to advance your training in some way are likely now. You’re eager to learn more and you want to develop the tools to support you – be that for your professional life, or simply a personal endeavor. Time spent with groups or taking classes will inspire and energize you. Your social milieu is expanding. You will find it easier to express yourself with others, be that through one to one communications or one to many. This might be the year to teach that course, lead that workshop, or write that book you’ve been talking about.

Lucky days:
July 21, 22, 23
Aug 17, 18, 19

Challenging days:
July 9, 10
Aug 5, 6

CANCER  (June 21-July 22)

The emotional challenges that have been hitting you on the homefront begin to subside now, Cancer. (Phew!) Relationships are an area of major focus. You begin to feel more secure about where you stand, plus you have a greater sense of self-understanding. This summer you begin to see an increase in what it is you truly value. Is that time with your family? Time perfecting your craft? Or time expressing your artistic nature? Whatever it is, get ready for a harvest! You can also expect your earnings and your resources to increase over the next year. More activity in your bank account is likely (as well as an increase in your spending, heads up). Big-ticket purchases such as a home or business or spending on education are likely. Regardless, we see you are investing in yourself — since guess what? You count!

Lucky days:
July 23, 24, 25
Aug 20, 21, 22

Challenging days:
July 11, 12
Aug 7, 8

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Critical changes related to family and your home scene or both, have kept you on your toes, Leo. (Later born Leo’s might be poised for a residential move or an adjustment to their family dynamics this fall.) This summer and lasting for the next year, lucky Jupiter moves into your sign making this hot time for you! New cycles of growth take root in all areas of your life. (Some Leo’s might expand their families through marriage, birth or adoption.) Resources and opportunities can fall in your lap now. This is an excellent time to move on that vision or dream that you’ve been nurturing. Your creative juices are flowing and you can see new ways of doing things. Relationships of all kinds are also blessed now. Romantic adventures and playful escapes await. Enjoy!

Lucky days:
July 26, 27, 28
Aug 22, 23, 24

Challenging days:
July 13, 14
Aug 9, 10

VIRGO  (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You have something important to share with those around you Virgo. Consider this an excellent time to articulate yourself and get your message across! Connections with siblings and relatives, plus colleagues and coworkers will become more of a major focus. It’s possible you might ‘cull the herd’ so to speak, since you want the people around you to better reflect your own value systems. (Quality over quantity, right?) Beneath the surface a deeper change is occurring. You might need some time away from others so you can reflect on your own thoughts and feelings, and that’s okay. (The world will not come to a grinding halt if you are not there to make sure everyone’s organized, for real ok?) Patterns and habits that no longer serve you are going the way of the dodo. Get ready for some spiritual housecleaning!

Lucky days:
July 2, 3, 28, 29, 30
Aug 25, 26, 27

Challenging days:
July 15, 16
Aug 11, 12

LIBRA  (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You’re determined to make some headway in your career now, Libra. Coworkers, peers, and professional colleagues are ready to endorse you making this an excellent time to throw your hat in the ring. It’s time to use your Libran social graces and your natural diplomacy. Don’t be shy about sharing your plans and aspirations for the future with those around you, since others are ready to help you now. If you’ve been having a tough time getting your foot in the door, fear not — those in positions of importance want to hear what you have to say! (Maybe it’s time to perfect that elevator pitch.) New friendships begin and they will influence you in a positive way. Accept the invitations that come your way. Get out to social gatherings and cultural events – you wont be disappointed! Your desire to give back to the world in some way is also amplified now.

Lucky days:
July 4, 5, 6, 31
Aug 1, 27, 28, 29

Challenging days:
July 17, 18
Aug 13, 14

SCORPIO   (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Over the summer months (and well into the fall) you’re likely to find yourself feeling more invigorated, passionate, and ambitious, Scorpio. This is a hot time to further your own interests and assert yourself. You’ve been working hard on many fronts lately Scorpio with (Saturn in your sign) and you may have felt the weight of pressing down upon you. Well, the pendulum swings in a new direction now and you’re going to be the one pulling the strings (about time)! You might ruffle a few feathers along the way, however if you act with awareness you can’t go wrong. This is an excellent time to establish yourself professionally and secure your position in your community. Many of you will have a status boost of some kind!

Lucky days:
July 6, 7, 8
Aug 2, 3, 4, 30,31

Challenging days:
July 19, 20, 21
Aug 15, 16, 17

SAGITTARIUS  (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

A number of significant changes are about to make their way into your life in the next few years, Sagittarius. A renewed focus to your family, your career, or a major project, takes shape in 2015. In the meantime, the truth seeker in you is in for a treat! Opportunities to expand your world through education and travel find their way to your doorstep. This is a fantastic time to consider going abroad or living in another country for a time. Any efforts to expand your professional repertoire will not be in vain. You will find it easy to pick up that license, diploma, or certification you’ve been meaning to get. This summer is a powerful time of letting go as you prepare to become a more authentic version of yourself.

Lucky days:
July 8, 9, 10
Aug 5, 6, 7

Challenging days:
July 22, 23
Aug 18, 19

CAPRICORN  (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It’s time to breathe a sigh of relief, Capricorn. Aggressive Mars has moved out of your house of authority, meaning you don’t have to come on like gangbusters, nor do you need to jump through everyone’s hoops (phew!). Not only that — Jupiter the planet of luck, has moved into your eighth house of shared wealth and resources. (All those late nights at the office are about to pay off big-time.) This is a great time to raise value and build equity in your partnerships or jointly held projects. As long as you’re willing to work with others you will get results. Your emotional nature is also shifting and you begin to discover a deeper level to your own personal power. You’ll also find you can bring more to your intimate relationships and connections with others. You’re about to put your money where you mouth is!

Lucky days:
July 11, 12, 13
Aug 7, 8, 9

Challenging days:
July  24, 25
Aug 20, 21, 22

AQUARIUS  (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Get ready for an exciting summer ahead, Aquarius. It’s time now to spread your wings and soar! You’re feeling more active and you’re taking better care of your health. Team sports and social outings keep you inspired. Partnerships (both business and personal) are getting a boost with Jupiter moving into your seventh house. You’re ready to rebuild on existing connections. While new relationships — be they business connections, playful friendships, or more romantic in nature find their way into your life. People from different cultures or backgrounds are likely to cross your path. In terms of your career, you’re likely to get more attention and notoriety (not too shabby!). This is an excellent time to win over the hearts and minds of others. If you are promoting a cause or a project that is dear to your heart (you humanitarian you) this is the time to do it!

Lucky days:
July 12, 13, 14
Aug 9, 10, 11

Challenging days:
July 1, 26, 27, 28
Aug 23, 24

PISCES   (Feb. 19-March 20)

You’re coming into a time of greater awareness and self-improvement Pisces, and you’re not afraid to put in the hard work. You’re ready to make your aspirations a reality and you’re eager to explore your options! You’re much more committed to honing your craft or service and you’re about to see results across the board. You are becoming more organized in your approach to your job and other major projects in your life. You can also expect to feel more confident in your own sense of capability (nice!). Matters related to you health and wellbeing are blessed this coming year. Whether you’re getting back to old fitness regimes or getting primed to tackle some new ones, taking care of your body becomes a priority.

Lucky days:
July 14, 15, 16
Aug 11, 12, 13

Challenging days:
July 2, 3, 29, 30
Aug 25, 26, 27

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