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The dark before the light …

November 1st, 2015



All Signs:

           We are in the heart of the autumn season and the Scorpio time of year. The warmth of the live-giving Sun retreats from the skies as the nights cool and get longer. This season reflects to us the death, dormancy, and creation stage that precedes rebirth (at winter solstice). It’s time to honour that which was a part of us, but is no longer in the world of the living. The New Moon in Scorpio on November 11th offers us an opportunity to connect with our inner source — the wealth of power within ourselves that desires to be realized and made conscious. Honour those seeds of creation (like precious jewels beneath the earths crust) and nurture them with love. Explore your innermost dreams and ambitions and let them take hold. Like the roots of a mighty tree it’s time go deep, draw upon the nutrients of our soul, and anchor ourselves.

Find your sign below:
Aries (March 21-April 19)

Life lessons related to your interdependence with others have packed a powerful punch recently, Aries! Some connections with others proved to be draining and riddled with conflict, so you were forced to make changes. (Good!) Still, other connections showed promise and mutual respect — these alliances have blossomed into strategic partnerships. Unfinished business with past partners (marital or business issues) will crop up in real time and you must face them. Harmonious outcomes are possible if you are being honest and willing to cooperate. You are eager to fulfill your end of the bargain, and you’re ready to work hard to prove that. Circumstances on the job front improve greatly! This is a hot time for research, education, and training. If you’re looking for work, git on it!

Lucky Days:
Nov 21, 22
Dec 19, 20

Challenging Days:
Nov 7, 8, 9
Dec 5, 6


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You’ve learned a number of powerful lessons in the last few years, Taurus. Professionally you are on much stronger ground and you know the direction you want to take things. Transformations are occurring at a deep level and you are continuing to define yourself as an individual. (A little self-analysis can go a long way.) Your confidence increases as you commune with your talents and grow your passions. Relationships with others including romantic connections and playful relations with children are blessed. You are not about to sacrifice yourself to the will of others (not after what you learned in these last few years). If you discover that your personal values deeply differ from a friend’s, you will diplomatically and skillfully move on.

Lucky Days:
Nov 23, 24, 25
Dec 21, 22

Challenging Days:
Nov 10, 11
Dec 7, 8, 9



Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Intimate, one-to-one relationships are a key focus now, Gemini. You feel a great sense of obligation to others, while at the same time you want to indulge in some playful diversions. (Who wouldn’t?) Business partnerships and marriages may go through a series of tests right now. When the Sun moves through Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) and opposes your sign you are encouraged to be cooperative. Demanding that others meet your needs might not be the best strategy. Instead, collaborating with others to find solutions will yield healthy results! Intellectually you are inspired by ancient philosophies and belief systems. (You are always hungry to learn, Gemini!) Travel for education or training is highly likely. Health regimes and wellness practices are attractive now. You’re ready to improve across the board!

Lucky Days:
Nov 26, 27
Dec 23, 24

Challenging Days:
Nov 12, 13, 14
Dec 10, 11



Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Positive changes to your domestic scene make you feel more secure now, Cancer. Projects around the home such as renovations and redecorating, reorganizing your kitchen, or sorting through family memorabilia are favored. You’re ready to tackle anything! Conversations with family members provide you with an opportunity to work through some old memories. (It turns out you weren’t the only one who thought that way!) Healings with family members and releasing trapped resentments can bring about a world of good. You’re ready to strengthen your bonds with siblings, relatives, and old friends. Community gatherings and social events are filled with laughter and delight. Heads-up, the full Moon on Dec 25th can be powerful for you. You might be asked to be a pillar for someone, you can do this.

Lucky Days:
Nov 1, 28, 29
Dec 25, 26

Challenging Days
Nov 15, 16
Dec 12, 13



Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Saturn’s two year transit through Sagittarius favorably aspects your fiery sign, Leo! You’re encouraged to step into your power. (If the crown fits, wear it!) The natural leader within you coming out. You’re focused on shoring up and strengthening the foundations you recently created. As the winter approaches the pace of your days will pick up considerably. Your energy is high and you’re eager to accomplish a lot. You might experience conflicts with others if you’re pushing your agenda at a rate that is unreasonable. (True accomplishments often require the cooperation of the group.) Should you need to stick up for yourself or a cause you believe in, this is a strong time to assert or defend your position. (Especially in legal affairs.) You are not about to back down!

Lucky Days:
Nov 2, 3, 4, 30
Dec 1, 27, 28

Challenging Days:
Nov 17, 18
Dec 14, 15, 16



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

How does your inner world differ from your outer world, Virgo? With expansive Jupiter in your sign, now is the time to take a leap of faith! You’re eager to make changes that will create powerful and lasting effects. Of course it all depends at what life-stage you’re at. Regardless of your age, it’s important that you consider nurturing and parenting yourself. Picture an older, wiser version of you coaching the current you through the next three years. What would you encourage yourself to do? Finances are going to improve soon, so be sure to include estate! You’re ready to anchor yourself to a community, or to a home. It’s all about building your foundation. Matters to do with home and family are a key focus.

Lucky Days:
Nov 5, 6
Dec 2, 3, 4, 30, 31

Challenging Days:
Nov 19, 20
Dec 17, 18



Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Relationships are both favored and tested at this time, Libra. You’re taking great strides to improve your circumstances within your friend circles, and your professional networks. You’re eager to learn from those who have more experience, as well as sharing your knowledge. Tests arise that push you to examine your personal truth. If others are overly critical or judgmental of your efforts you’re not likely to brush it off. (As a Libra, you often sacrifice your position so that everyone can get along.) Use your natural diplomacy and your ability to see both sides of the story to honestly understand your position now. It’s time to push for your agenda, just be assertive and strong. Those who support you will admire you more, creating strength in those partnerships.

Lucky Days:
Nov 7, 8, 9
Dec 5, 6

Challenging Days
Nov 21, 22
Dec 19, 20



Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

It’s your birthday season, Scorpio. It’s time to celebrate a little! With the Sun near your sign you have more energy and you’re easily galvanized into action. There’s a strong focus on finances — how to procure your finances or the lack thereof. This is not a favorable time to buy things on credit or ask for a loan, unless you have a bulletproof plan for debt management. It is time to tighten the belt. The universe is pushing you to get in touch with your true value system and it might cramp your spending habits a little so that you get real with yourself. Your earning power is going to be increasing considerably in about a year and half now. The new Moon in Scorpio on November 11th is the time to make your birthday wishes. Use this powerful time to dig deep within yourself and find what you want to invest in. You’re worth it baby!

Lucky days:
Nov 10, 11
Dec 7, 8, 9

Challenging days:
Nov 21, 22
Dec 13, 14



Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Your birthday season is soon Sagittarius! Letting go of unnecessary difficulties is your theme right now. It’s critical that you listen to your inner truth, while at the same honoring time the responsibilities you have to yourself and others. Endings and beginnings will weave together. Over the next year and a half you are creating new foundations for yourself and your family. The changes and adjustments you’re making in your personal life will impact your professional life, and vice versa. The new Moon in Sagittarius, occurring on December 11, is the optimum time for you to set your intentions and personal goals for the year ahead. Your adventurous nature and your optimistic attitude will support you as you enter this chapter of life. You’re ready for this!

Lucky days:
Nov 12, 13, 14
Dec 10, 11

Challenging days:
Nov 26, 27
Dec 23, 24



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your birthday season is approaching, Capricorn. This means it’s a great time for reflection. A little objective review of the last year will be of benefit to you. Consider relationships, activities, attitudes and belief systems that are no longer serving you. It’s time to let them go. A little pruning can go a long way. With Jupiter in your ninth house you are building up to a career peak beginning in late 2016. How can you best prepare for that? Any kind of training or study can be of great benefit to you now. You might find a mentor that you deeply resonate with. Or vice versa, you might be the mentor that learns tremendously through the act of giving back. Your words carries a lot of weight now; use them wisely.

Lucky days:
Nov 15, 16
Dec 12, 13

Challenging days:
Nov 1, 28, 29
Dec 25, 26



Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You’ve made some important adjustments to your life path in the last few years, Aquarius. Other people in your world (both professional and personal) have witnessed your decisions and some have chosen to align themselves with you. Key relationships with coworkers, friends, and your community at large, will gain in strength, power, and influence. You’re striving for a better future and you know that in order to accomplish this, cooperation with others is key. In the next few months you might be asked to mentor, teach, or guide those with less experience. This is a job you’re ready for! Wealth and resources connected to partnerships or healthy working alliances are more available to you now as well. This is also a good time to apply for a loan or mortgage.

Lucky days:
Nov 17, 18
Dec 14, 15, 16

Challenging days:
Nov 2, 3, 4, 30
Dec 1, 27, 28, 29



Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a powerful time for you, Pisces. Stern Saturn moves to the top of your chart pushing you to get serious about your path and your career. Life is pressing you to declare your major! You are dedicated to work hard, to meet the needs of your community, and shoulder any and all responsibilities. Dealings with authority figures can be a mixed bag right now. In one sense you’re eager to be taken seriously and are likely to command more respect (this is good!). However, if there are any resentments brewing beneath the surface, frustrations with authority figures can easily occur. (Especially if you are feeling judged or criticized.) The full Moon on November 25th might trigger old issues. Meditation and breath work can help you regain your inner calm.

Lucky days:
Nov 19, 20
Dec 17, 18

Challenging days:
Nov 5, 6
Dec 2, 3, 4, 30, 31

To book a personal reading, contact me at: kelly@kellybenson.ca
Categories: Sun Sign Column
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